Mohamed Faitiha
Independent Logo Designer & Brand Identity Designer,
Brand Strategist.
Hello and welcome!
I'm Mohamed, a Strategic Brand Identity Designer with over 6 years of experience, passionate about helping businesses create lasting impressions and stand out from the competition. As a global professional, I've had the opportunity to work with clients worldwide, embracing diverse cultures and cultivating an open-minded approach.
My process is designed to help us understand your market landscape, enabling the creation of a brand identity that truly resonates with your target audience. I take immense pride in my ability to cater to a diverse clientele across various industries, expanding my expertise and ensuring every project receives the same level of ambition, attention to detail, and dedication.
I firmly believe that the key to success lies in effective communication and fast turnaround times, which are core components of my approach. When you partner with me, you can expect a seamless and enjoyable creative journey, as we work together to bring your brand's vision to life, no matter where you are in the world.
Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to the opportunity to help you build a powerful and memorable brand identity.
Warm regards,
Fresh Brand Identity is the way to present your business in the market so you always have to shine.
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